Campiña Sur in Extremadura

Campiña Sur in Extremadura may be one of the most ecologically valuable regions of Extremadura, Spain and even Europe. The density of endangered species such as the Iberian lynx, the Spanish imperial eagle, the Golden eagle or the Bonelli’s eagle is really high, one of the highest in the country and therefore the area is a delight for all lovers of these species. The high density of these predators is due to the fact that the habitat is ideal for them: a mosaic of ecosystems in which there are very good populations of rabbits and partridges, their main prey.

On the other hand, we can also find in this region important concentrations of steppe birds: Great bustards, little bustards, Black-bellied sandgrouses, Pin-tailed sandgrouses among others. And finally in the south part of the region, forest and mountain birds. If you also want tranquility, to make routes without encountering virtually no one and enjoy the peace of an area with very little human presence, the Campiña Sur is your best option.
Birding in Campiña Sur, a paradise for predators

If birds of prey are your main objective, here you can find one of the best places in Spain to watch birds of prey. The big eagles find here a paradise as they have everything they need: shelter, nesting places, tranquility and food. Golden, Imperial and Bonelli’s eagles find here an enormous amount of rabbits and partridges to feed on. These three species are probably the most attractive in the area, both for their scarcity and for their beauty and size.

In summer we can also see booted and snake eagles frequently, and if we approach the more steppe-like areas, all species of harriers. Vultures are also present in the area, as there are several small mountain ranges that offer them an excellent habitat. Both griffon and cinereous vultures and even in summer some Egyptian vultures. There is also the presence of peregrine falcons, goshawks, sparrow hawks, kestrels, kites, black winged kites… practically all the birds of prey of the region can be seen in this territory.
Iberian lynx, Campiña Sur in Extremadura

Last but not least, it is worth mentioning a very good population of lince Iberian lynx. The largest population center in Extremadura is located here, being also one of the main ones in the whole Iberian Peninsula. The high density of rabbits and the mosaic between crops, Mediterranean forest and scrubland make it an ideal habitat for this species.
This population extends throughout the region, and lynxes can be found practically everywhere. More than 160 lynxes roam freely in this area where their prey such as the red-legged partridge and especially the wild rabbit abound. It is very important to be extremely careful when driving through the area, as roadkill is currently the main cause of death.

The best dates to visit the area are December, January and February because of the rutting season and then in spring because of the possibility of seeing mothers with cubs. We have to take into account that lynxes are mostly nocturnal and also that most of the time they are in private properties that we cannot and should not access. All this makes it very difficult to see them, but if we are lucky and insist we will be able to cross paths with them. Hiring a guide always will increase your chances.
Steppe birds in the south of Extremadura

Campiña Sur is much more than predators. Here we can find a great variety of birds because we find very diverse ecosystems. There are mountain ranges, small forests, pastures, olive groves… and large plains, where we can find the elusive and scarce steppe birds.
Great Bustards, Little Bustards, Pin tailed Sandgrouse and Black-bellied Sandgrouse are the most outstanding species in the area. However, we can also find cranes, stone-curlews, larks, black winged kites, all the harriers, some european roller… and if we are lucky, we can even find Merlins in winter.
Even in the area bordering Andalusia we can find mountain areas with some forests, logically with their respective birds associated with these ecosystems. In summary, the Campiña Sur is one of the best regions for birding in Extremadura. Whether you want to see the most emblematic endangered species, or if you want to see different ecosystems in the same day, the Campiña Sur will be an excellent choice.
My most sincere thanks to Philippe Macquet of Bio-Scène for lending me some of his magnificent photos. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit his website to learn about his interesting project: a collaborative network dedicated to the valorization of biodiversity and territories by connecting humans and nature.